So you've written your first draft.

Now what?

After you've been through your book and gotten all your self-editing out of the way, you'll need an editor. Here's where the Ten Questions for Prospective Editors ebook comes in!

In this free ebook, you'll learn:
✔ What to do before hiring an editor
✔ What to expect during the editing process
✔ The different types of editing
✔ What questions to ask a prospective editor
✔ Things to look for in an editor
✔ How to find the right fit for your manuscript

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Your Coach & Mentor

Melissa Frey

Hello! I'm Melissa Frey, an indie author, book editor, and writing coach who is here to help you write better books more quickly and easily!

I know just how difficult it can be to write, edit, publish, and market a book when no one's shown you how before. When I first started writing (over a decade ago!), I didn't have a clue where to start. It took me nearly ten years to figure out how to finally write and publish the books I knew I was created to write — and I don't want it to take you that long.

That's why I created the resources on my members site: to help you discover the stories you were created to tell and learn how to best share them with the world!


Are you ready to take your author career to the next level? Sign up below to get started!